About SDGs
Adopted by the United Nations in September 2015, this goal consists of 17 goals and 169 targets. In order to realize these goals, action is required from all stakeholders, including developed and developing countries, governments, relevant organizations, and companies.
We are engaged in various corporate activities to realize our corporate philosophy.
Our corporate philosophy is to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth with full productive and decent employment for all people.
Visions of all employees = Company Management Plan
We have implemented "Personal Vision Management" that promotes both employee job satisfaction and economic growth. All employees' visions = Company management plans are put into practice to promote employees' job satisfaction.
Vision Sheets
Sheets to document the individual's vision.
Super Personal Interviews
Every three months, the executive team meets with all employees individually to align their visions with the company's management plan.
Personal Vision Practice Debriefing Session
We have received offers from around the world to speak on the practice of personal vision management.
・Visualization of business results promotes employee job satisfaction
 (sharing of business progress at monthly company-wide meetings)
・Promote employee job satisfaction by making their opinions visible
 - Conduct coaching and employee surveys at company-wide meetings.
Setting up opinion boxes.
・Visualization of appreciation promotes trust.
 - Presentation of thank you cards